SECASA is the largest sexual assault and family violence service provider across the south-east metropolitan Melbourne. We provide services to people who reside in, attend school or work in the following local government areas and shires. ABOUT SECASA About Us SECASA is a specialist sexual assault and family violence service, which provides various services for victims/survivors and other affected family members. Ranging from free counselling, crisis response, to education and training. PROGRAMS & SERVICES Programs & Services SECASA takes pride in being an equal opportunity employer and a child-safe organisation. As a department of Monash Health we are committed to providing a diverse and inclusive workplace that values the safety and wellbeing of children and young people, as well as all our employees. GET INVOLVED Get Involved Your donation will directly assist in providing accessible support for members of our community who are affected by sexual assault or family violence. Find out the many ways you can get involved and donate now. DONATE NOW Donate Now

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SECASA is a specialist sexual assault and family violence service, which provides:

Find out more
  • Time limited therapeutic interventions and counselling following sexual assault and/or family violence, to victim/survivors and other affected family members

  • 24/7 sexual assault crisis response for people who have been sexually assaulted in the past two weeks, or disclosed past sexual assault for the first time 

  • Assessment and Intervention for children and young people with harmful sexual behaviours, and their families

  • Community education and prevention work, including programs in Early Learning Centres, Primary Schools and High schools

  • Secondary consultation

  • Professional training

Who We Are

Programs & Services
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Sexual Assault
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Family Violence
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